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Five Important Tips for Testifying in a Motorcycle Accident Trial

motorcycle-accident-lawyerWhile many motorcycle personal injury claims settle before a lawsuit is filed or during the discovery phase of litigation, others may need a full trial in order for the victim to get the full compensation they are entitled to.  If your motorcycle accident claim was not settled and needs to be litigated, your New York motorcycle accident attorney may request you to testify at trial.

Testifying on the witness stand in court is a scary prospect for most individuals. However, providing the facts in your own words may be necessary for the jury to make the right decision.  While a certain level of nervousness is normal, with the help and preparation of your attorney, you can be more relaxed and confident in taking the stand.

Here are six important tips your New York motorcycle accident attorney will want you to remember when taking the stand:

  1. Speak loudly and clearly when answering questions.
  2. Look the jury in the eyes when talking.
  3. Listen to the question and completely understand what is being asked of you before answering. If you are not clear what the question is asking, ask for further clarification.
  4. Do not provide more information than the question demands.
  5. Maintain proper body language by sitting straight up in your chair and not fidgeting. Your body language is very important because the jury will base its decision largely upon how you portray yourself while on the stand.
  6. Always tell the truth.

Injured While Riding a Motorcycle? Call Us Today!

If you or a loved one has suffered serious personal injuries while riding a motorcycle due to the negligent actions of another individual, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. For more information or to consult with an experienced New York personal injury lawyer, please call Gersowitz, Libo & Korek, P.C. at 1-800-529-9997.

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Jeff Korek
Jeff S. Korek
Senior Trial Partner​

Jeff S. Korek joined Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. in 1992 as the Senior Trial partner. Known for his meticulous preparation and dedication to his clients, Jeff has obtained some of the state’s highest verdicts and settlements.