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New York Catholic Church Clergy Abuse Lawyers

Defending the Rights of Individuals Sexually Abused by Priests/Clergy in New York

Clergy Sexual Abuse LawyerThe sexual abuse of Catholic youth by the clergy, pastors, and priests is an appalling exploitation of the sacred trust and faith that a young parishioner places in the Catholic Church. Over the past few decades, it has come to light that thousands of children have been the victims of sexual abuse by these so-called people of faith. Society has seen Dioceses from New York to California and from Washington to Florida place their reputations over the safety of the children delivered into their care. The bishops protected the church by moving pedophile priests around like chess pieces and lied to their parishioners about predatory priests.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of clergy, pastor or priest sexual abuse, you deserve justice. The legal team at Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. has decades of combined experience in helping victims of clergy sexual abuse seek justice. Our aggressive, yet compassionate, New York clergy sexual abuse attorneys, can help you obtain the compensation that you deserve for the horrific acts you suffered.

Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program for Clergy Sexual Abuse Victims

The New York Catholic Church opened a voluntary settlement program in 2018 in nearly all the Dioceses across the state, starting with the New York Archdiocese. The voluntary Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP) was put into place by Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the Archbishop of New York. The program is administered by renowned mediator Kenneth Feinberg, who has complete autonomy in deciding compensation for victim-survivors. The archdiocese has agreed that it will abide by their decisions.
Below is a list of some of the dioceses in the State of New York participating in the IRCP:

  • Brooklyn Diocese
  • Buffalo Dioceses
  • Syracuse Diocese
  • Ogdensburg Diocese
  • Rochester Diocese
  • Albany Diocese
  • Brooklyn Diocese
  • New York

The program is being implemented in several phases. Most of the deadlines have passed and the programs have closed but some are still accepting late filings. Although this program was meant to compensate victims of clergy sexual abuse, it has since been considered insufficient for protecting the rights of the abused.
However, with the passing of the Child Victims Act in New York State, victims have a new avenue for seeking the justice and compensation they deserve.

The NY Child Victims Act Provides a New Avenue for Clergy Sexual Victims to Seek Justice

In January 2019, New York passed the Child Victims Act, allowing victims of sexual abuse new rights for pursuing legal action and receiving compensation. Under the Act, the rights of child victims of sexual abuse, including abuse by pastors, priests and clergy, have been expanded to include:

  • A one-year window of opportunity for victims of any age to file civil claims against their abusers and the institutions that covered up the abuse, no matter how long ago the abuse took place
  • A right to file civil lawsuits against their abuser until the victim’s 55th birthday.
  • The ability of authorities to prosecute sex abuse cases as felonies until the victim is 28.

If you or a loved one is a victim of clergy sexual abuse, you now have a better option to get the just compensation that you deserve for the abuse you have suffered. The legal team at Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. can help you protect your legal rights under New York’s Child Victims Act. It is important for you to immediately call our office to learn about your options today.

You Need the Help of an Experienced NY Clergy Sexual Abuse Attorney

Best Lawyers: Edward Gersowitz, Jeff Korek and Michael Fruhling - PartnersOver the last decade, an increasing number of victims who have suffered sexual abuse in a church setting have shown courage by coming forward and reporting the heinous acts committed by a clergy, priest, pastor or other church members. These pedophiles who have been hiding behind church doors must be brought to justice.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of clergy sexual abuse, you deserve justice. With the help of our compassionate New York pastor sexual abuse attorneys, you can be confident that you will get the justice and compensation that you deserve. While no amount of money can completely restore you and undo the harm caused, financial compensation can help put you on the road to recovery.

For more information or to consult with an experienced NYC clergy sexual abuse attorney, please call Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. at 1-646-798-1535.

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