Over 1 Billion Recovered For Our Clients

Helping New York and New Jersey Injury Victims for Over 40 Years.

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GLK: A Member Firm of CLC

When you are facing a legal obstacle, you need an experienced and reputable law firm to represent you. However, finding the right legal help is not an easy task. CLC makes finding a credentialed attorney a less daunting experience by providing members with access to top rated attorneys.

Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. is the chosen law firm to represent CLC members in New York and New Jersey. We have been fighting for the rights of residents in both states who are seriously injured for more than 39 years. Our team of attorneys and support staff are dedicated to serving the needs of our clients and getting the full compensation that they deserve for their injuries.

What Is CLC?

CLC Legal Aid LogoCLC Incorporated (CLC) provides legal and financial programs for top Fortune 500 companies, employee assistance organizations, college students, membership associations, insurance companies and national marketing entities throughout the United States. The CLC Legal Access Plan was created in order to meet the unmet needs of more than 90% of the population that does not have access to legal services.

The CLC Legal Access Plan is a comprehensive legal solution designed to provide consumers facing challenging stages of life free access for legal referrals to top rated attorneys, like the legal team at Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C.

CLC’s Law Firm for New York and New Jersey

Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. is the law firm in New York and New Jersey for CLC cases. Clients who come to us through CLC are employees of some of America’s top 500 companies. With over $900 million recovered for our clients and more than 39 years of experience, we are ready to provide these clients with the legal help they seek.

We take very seriously the clients that come to us through CLC. We are very careful about making sure that our reputation with CLC is as strong as it is in so many other places. CLC clients are especially important to us because of the program and because of our responsibilities. We are very proud to have been vetted by the CLC program and very proud that when it came time for them to make a selection for one law firm in New York and in New Jersey, they chose us.

CLC Student Assistance Program

GLK Partners - Best Law Firms 2016 by US News
GLK Partners – Best Law Firms by US News

CLC recently extended SAP benefits to students on a handful of college campuses in AZ, CA, IL, NY and TX.  This includes the member’s ability to receive personal injury representation for auto, bicycle and pedestrian accidents from Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. in New York and New Jersey.

Our firm Includes lawyers recently out of law school and of course those of us with decades between us and graduation. Students are often in unique situations, away from home and with limited resources to handle legal affairs.  We are honored to be able to assist.

Request a CLC Referral:

If you are a member of CLC, contact your EAP or HR department and ask for a CLC referral. CLC will put you in contact with the appropriate attorney at our firm to best handle your legal matter.



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