New York Lead Poisoning Attorneys
More Than 30 Years of Fighting to Protect the Rights of Injured New Yorkers
Over the years, many steps and initiatives have been taken to reduce the level and exposure to lead. Nevertheless, lead poisoning still remains a concern for many Americans, especially young children. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately half a million children in the United States ages 1 to 5 have blood lead levels above the reference value that the CDC recommends health actions to be initiated.
Unlike other types of accidents that cause injuries to innocent victims, lead poisoning is entirely preventable, even in young children. The key is topping these young victims from coming into contact with lead.
If you are a victim of lead poisoning, it is important to immediately contact an attorney to help you obtain compensation. The attorneys at Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. provide strong representation for victims of lead poisoning in the state of New York. Our legal team is knowledgeable about the laws pertaining to lead poisoning, especially in young children, and has what it takes to successfully handle your claim.
Where Is Lead Found?
Lead is invisible to the human eye and can be found in many different sources. Individuals, especially young children, who live in homes that were built prior to 1978 are at a higher risk of suffering lead poisoning. Most young victims suffer from from lead poisoning as a result of ingesting chips of lead-based paint or dust.
According to the CDC, some other common potential sources of lead poisoning include:
- Deteriorating pain
- Household dust
- Bare soil
- Air
- Drinking water contaminated by lead leaching from lead pipes
- Food
- Pottery and ceramics
- Traditional home remedies, such as azarcon and greta, which are commonly used for upset stomach or indigestion in the Hispanic community
- Hair dyes and other cosmetics
- Imported candies
- Imported toys and toy jewelry
The Federal government banned the use of lead paint in the 1970s. Nevertheless, according to the United Stated Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), approximately 38 million homes across the country still contain some source of lead. This is an alarming number, especially given the side effects of lead poisoning if not detected early in children. If you or a loved one has suffered lead poisoning, the legal team at Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. can help your protect your legal rights.
Side Effects of Lead Poisoning in Children & Adults
Regardless of age, victims of lead poisoning can suffer serious consequences. Children ages seven and younger are at an increased risk of developing learning disabilities associated with lead poisoning. Even low levels of lead poisoning can have serious side effects in children, including:
- Behavior and learning problems
- Stunted or slowed growth
- Damage to the brain and nervous system
- Hearing problems
- Headaches
Adults can also suffer serious side effects as a result of exposure to lead. Common side effects include:
- Difficulties during pregnancy
- Reproductive problems in both men and women
- Problems with the digestive tract
- High blood pressure
- Nervous disorders
- Problems associated with memory and concentration
- Muscle and joint pain
Lead poisoning is a serious problem. If you suspect that lead poisoning, it is important to seek immediate medical help. You should also speak with a personal injury attorney who specifically deals with lead poisoning as you may be entitled to monetary compensation for your injuries.
Signs and Symptoms of Lead Poisoning
Lead poisoning is known as the silent killer. If you live in a structure that was built prior to 1978, even if it since then remodeled, you are at a higher risk for being exposed to and suffering lead poisoning. Since the symptoms of lead poisoning may not be visible or may be easily overlooked, it is important to look for these symptoms closely, especially in young children.
Some of the common symptoms of lead poisoning in young children include:
- Brain damage evidenced by slower developmental milestones and low or lower IQ scores
- Slower mental processing
- Loss or diminishment of executive function
- Emotional, behavioral or psychological problems
- Learning disabilities, such as ADHD and ADD
- Stunted body growth
- Chronic headaches
- Damaged kidneys
- Chronic constipation
You Need an Expert Lead Poisoning Attorney In New York
If you or your child has been diagnosed with lead poisoning by a medical professional, it is imperative that you immediately contact a law firm that specializes in lead poisoning. You need an attorney who can investigate the circumstances leading to the poisoning, gather evidence and hire a qualified inspector to determine the source of the lead poisoning, if necessary. It may also be necessary for your attorney to perform a medical and legal search to prove your case.
The attorneys at Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. have the knowledge, experience and financial resources to help their lead poisoned clients obtain the full compensation that they deserve. Our legal team can help you obtain compensation for:
- Past and future medical bills
- Loss of wages
- Future loss of earnings
- Emotional, psychological and mental suffering
- Pain and suffering
- Cost of moving to a new and safe location
- Any other out of pocket expenses associated with your injuries
Call Us Today
Justice means getting fair compensation. Without the help of a lead poisoning attorney to properly and aggressively handle your case, you may not get the fair compensation that you deserve for your injuries and losses. Our legal team has the experience to fight for the rights of lead poisoned victims. We will ensure that you receive the justice that you deserve.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of lead poisoning, you may be entitled to compensation and benefits. For more information or to schedule a free consultation with an attorney at Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C., please call (212) 385-4410.