Jeff Korek, a senior trial partner at Gersowitz Libo &, Korek P.C., is a co-chair of NYSTLA’s 2017 edition of “25 Trial Issues That Keep You Up In the Middle of the Night.” The seminar will be a two-night event, held on Tuesdays, March 28th and April 4th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the NYSTLA headquarter.
After last year’s success, “25 Trial Issues” is back this year with new questions and topics and an informal panel discussion that encourages audience participation.
About the “25 Trial Issues” Seminar
The seminar will cover 25+ trial issues that keep you up in the middle of the night. The two-night seminar includes lectures by seven trial attorneys, an ethics attorney and the Honorable Douglas E. McKeon. This impressive panel will discuss those items that trial attorneys face during a trial that requires fast and strategic thinking.
The experienced group of attorneys, including Jeff Korek, will discuss key issues, including:
- How to deal with a sleeping juror during trial
- When to introduce money amounts you are seeking
- Should you use a particular lead-off witness (i.e., expert, lay witness,
damages witness, wife, husband, etc.)? - How to deal with a difficult judge or one that appears to have taken sides
- Some of the most common problems with contingency fees:
o How to handle substitutions
o Fee divisions
o Lawyers’ liens, etc.
The seminar will also include a Q&A and a panel discussion to facilitate discussion of how to effectively handle the most difficult problems that come up during the trial.