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Victims File Lawsuit Against Rockefeller University on First Day Child Victims Act Takes Effect

Child Sexual AbuseA one-year window for filing old civil claims for child sexual abuse opened at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, August 14th. Hundreds of child sexual abuse victims exercised their legal rights under the Child Victims Act (CVA) to finally seek justice. One of these lawsuits was against Rockefeller University (“Rockefeller”) for allowing Reginald MacGregor Archibald, a leading pediatrician at the hospital who died in 2007, to continue to engage in acts of sexual misconduct and abuse towards his minor patients during his tenure at the hospital.

Report on the Investigation of Dr. Archibald

An investigation was commissioned by the hospital into Archibald’s alleged perpetrated widespread sexual abuse against children during his nearly forty-year tenure Rockefeller University Hospital. The findings of the report portray repeated misconduct by Archibald when he worked at the hospital between 1946 and 1982. In addition, according to the report, Rockefeller had information that while Archibald was still practicing, he “may have been engaged in misconduct and inappropriate and unnecessarily intrusive examinations of many of his minor patients.

The investigation found that over the past several decades many former patients reported experiences of abuse to law enforcement officials and state agencies, as well as the hospital itself. None of these reports are shown to have resulted in any notable consequences for the doctor or the hospital.

Despite these numerous complaints and warning signs, Rockefeller disregarded and discounted the sexual abuse and continued to protect the reputations of the hospital as well Archibald.

Child Victims Act

On February 2019, the Child Victims Act, or CVA, was signed into law, dramatically expanding the statute of limitations for survivors of child sexual abuse to file civil and criminal complaints. Under the CVA, victims have until the age of 55 to bring a civil suit. The statute for criminal prosecution changed as well, adding five years to the window of time within which charges can be brought.

Survivors also have one year from August 14, 2019 to file civil lawsuits against individuals and institutions that were previously time-barred. This means regardless of how long ago you were sexually abused, you can until August 14, 2020 to file a civil lawsuit.

Hire a New York Child Victims Act Attorney Who Has Experience!

The CVA has finally allowed victims of child sexual abuse to seek justice. As a victim, you need to pursue this hard-won right with the help of an aggressive, yet compassionate, NYC CVA attorney who has the experience in getting you the full justice that you deserve.

At Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C., we understand the impact child sexual abuse has on victims’ lives and the lives of their loved ones. Our senior partner and lead trial attorney Jeff S. Korek has represented a large number of families with children who have been abused in foster care. We have held multiple foster care agencies in New York, as well the archdiocese, accountable for their actions. We are currently representing victims of abuse at national chain stores who have been sexually abused by security personnel. We are also representing school-age children who have been sexually abused by sports coaches and educators at well-known New York state institutions.

We are involved in multiple cases involving the Rockefeller University Hospital and Dr. Archibald. We are fielding hundreds of calls from victims of sexual abuse involving Jehovah’s witnesses, churches, the archdiocese, boy scouts, universities, foster care agencies, and many more institutions.

We are doing our best to explain to victims their rights under the new CVA that has finally provided long awaited relief to those who have suffered in silence for so long. Our attorneys are specifically trained in the nuances and sensitivities that go along with representing victims of these heinous crimes. We are committed to the relentless pursuit of justice to those who are deserving. We will spare no resource or expense —-we have dedicated our firm and our attorneys and staff to the cause.

NYC Child Sex Abuse Attorney

If you or a loved one has been the victim of child sexual abuse, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. Although no amount of money will undo the harm caused, it can bring a sense of justice and closure for victims. For more information or to consult with an experienced NYC child sex abuse attorney, please call Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. at 1-646-798-1535.

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Jeff Korek
Jeff S. Korek
Senior Trial Partner​

Jeff S. Korek joined Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. in 1992 as the Senior Trial partner. Known for his meticulous preparation and dedication to his clients, Jeff has obtained some of the state’s highest verdicts and settlements.