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EzriCare Eye Care Drops Linked to 55 Infections, 1 Death

Dozens of People Have Been Infected and One Person Died After Taking EzriCare Artificial Tears  Eye Drops

EzriCare Eye Care Drops Linked to 55 Infections, 1 Death

NEW YORK, NEW YORK (February 3, 2023) – The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is urging people to stop using EzriCare Artificial Tears after dozens of people have been hospitalized.

There have been at least 55 infections reported across 12 states. One person permanently lost their vision and another person reportedly died due to their injuries.

Most of the infection involved one of the 10 brands of eye drops from EzriCare. The main issue with these eye drops is that they are preservative-free. This allows bacterial growth to develop in the bottles.

The bacteria can become present during use or the manufacturing process. In particular, many of the eye drops had Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. This bacteria is resistant to all sorts of antibiotics.

The CDC is also advising healthcare providers to stop prescribing  the eye drops to their patients. The manufacturer has since recalled the eye drops due to safety concerns.

Liability For Infections Caused By Eye Drops

Eye drops are incredibly common and most people never think twice about using them. According to Statista, “117.45 million Americans used eye drops and eye wash in 2020. This figure is projected to increase to 123.35 million in 2024.” However, bacterial infections are occasionally caused by consumer products like eye drops. There are a number of symptoms that may indicate an eye bacterial infection:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Fever

Depending on the facts of any case, the manufacturers of consumer products like eye drops could face liability if someone is injured after using them. Pharmaceutical companies have a legal responsibility to create products that are reasonably safe. It is possible that lawsuits against the makers of EzriCare Eye Care will allege that the company knew about the possibility of bacterial contamination and failed to adequately warn consumers about the risk. It is also possible that a company failed to properly clean and care for their equipment which lead to contamination. There are a number of steps that should be taken if you’ve become ill after using EzriCare Eye Care drops.

  • All receipts of the product should be kept.
  • Medical records should be preserved.
  • A skilled personal injury attorney should be consulted.

Any person that is injured after using EzriCare Eye Care products may have legal recourse through a product liability claim. Damages in a civil claim can help cover lost wages, medical bills and pain and suffering. Many victims may not realize the full extent of their injuries for some time if they become ill. It is important to seek legal counsel as early as possible to help protect your rights.

Investigating EzriCare Eye Care Bacterial Infections

We at Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. extend our best wishes to all of the people who were injured by these EzriCare Eye Care drops. Any person that may have more information about what happened should reach out to investigators. It is our sincere hope that steps are taken to prevent other incidents like this.

Have you or someone that you care about been injured by EzriCare Eye Care drops? There are a number of laws designed to protect your rights. Our team of consumer safety advocates are here for you. We care deeply that victims of dangerous products are aware of their rights and that those rights are being protected. Whether you just have legal questions or need any type of help we are here for you. You can reach out to us anytime at 800-529-9997.


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Jeff Korek
Jeff S. Korek
Senior Trial Partner​

Jeff S. Korek joined Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. in 1992 as the Senior Trial partner. Known for his meticulous preparation and dedication to his clients, Jeff has obtained some of the state’s highest verdicts and settlements.